Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gas prices rising again - and the riding season right around the corner...

Time to revisit an old concept:

A few years ago we at Liberty put together a few interesting factoids about possibly the BEST way to trim your budget - both your gas budget AND your therapy budget - at the same time!


Doesn't sound that groundbreaking, does it?  Almost seems obvious..well, at least to us at Liberty.  But people have some serious hesitations, some spoken, some subconscious, about why they couldn't possibly ride to work EVERY DAY.

First, let's do a little quick math on how much you can save.

Let's say you drive 25 miles to work and back.  And let's say you have a car right now that gets 20 MPG.  And let's say, you were considering a nice Dyna to ride back and forth to work.  Is it REALLY that significant of a difference?

Well, a quick trip to shows gas in our area at about $3.59.  At 50 miles a day, that car costs you about $206/month, or $2,477/year.

That same trip on a Dyna will cost you about $77.16/month, or $952/year.

For a savings of - $129/month!  That's about $1,551 a year!

Now, can you ride EVERY day of the year?  Maybe, maybe not.  Depends on your personal constitution.

But there are less tangible benefits as well, as anyone who ever went for a ride "to clear my head" will tell you.  You can let the stress of the day melt away as you ride home - no, don't take the stupid highway, take a back road - and arrive home relaxed.  Your family will thank you.  :)

Visit and try out the savings calculator based on your car and mileage, and see how it comes out.  Think you might be surprised.  Not a great savings yet?  Wait, wait until the gas prices hit the supposed $5/gallon as predicted this summer.

You can also check out a FAQ that addresses some of the more common concerns about the commute, including helmet hair, wrinkled business suits, and what to do with your laptop.

I'm telling you people, there is no better way to get to work.

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